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Product page doesn´t show Productimage and Information any more

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  • #301472


    I created a lot of Products but now I realized that there are no images and informations on the prductpages any more. Only the Elementor content.
    I think it got some something to do with WPML but I cant figure out what the Problem is. Something with taxonomies?



    If you use the WPML and do not see the images in the translation of the product page, it means the media is not translated, please contact WPML support on this issue.

    If you mean variations image, you will have to upload them into the translation.

    Please clarify.

    Best Regards



    There are not only missing images on the translated site.
    There are missing images, product information and related products even on the original site.
    Is WPML also responsible for this?

    I want to leave out for the time being. The original should work first.



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes. Please make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards



    Ok, you have the permission to deactivate Plugins and switch themes.



    I am checking how the WPML translates, everything is correct. https://gyazo.com/058eb53189a6cdd61ef9adfd5c830c15

    Please make the full backup of your site and update the theme, I will check without the plugins.

    Best Regards



    It’s kind of weird because with all Products i added Information with elementor and these show no information from woodmart.
    here: https://doli.webshape.eu/product/edci70-db/

    I can switch to the WordPress Editor then the content with pictures, information and related Porducts shows up. But the content from elementor has a other style
    here: https://doli.webshape.eu/product/test-2/

    I dont think wpml is responsible for this problem?!



    Please make the full backup of your site as well as the Theme settings export and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.

    Best Regards



    I installed Storefront on the same content on another domain. And its the same problem

    Working but without elementor

    Not working

    So what are the next steps?



    It means our theme does not cause or influence the issue. Please build the products following this way: https://doli.webshape.eu/product/test-2/

    Best Regards



    ok, I understand that this problem is not caused by woodmart, but the weird thing is that it worked before (display woocommerce content and elementor content).
    Should I contact Woocoomerce?



    We can hardly say the reason why it worked and does not work now. Sure you can contact the plugins support perhaps they suggest a workaround.

    Best Regard

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