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Product page – header gap and product images enquiry

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  • #88459


    I have few enquiries:

    1 – How I can shrink the gap between every Product page and the header. It is not VC editable (so I can’t just add -40px) so I think some code is needed.

    2 – I would like the Main image click action for desktop to be Zoom and for mobile to be Photoswipe popup. How can I do that?

    3 – How can I remove the navigation link shown on the attached photo entirely?

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    1. Please provide your site URL and pages URL with the problem. If your site is under maintenance please provide site admin access as well.

    2. Can you provide a screenshot or sample of what you would like to get? Not clear enough.

    3. Navigate to the Theme Settings > Page title > disable breadcrumbs

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    this is the menu and sub menu does not exist in my file also this not available

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    [email protected]

    Which I am giving you now this sub menu does not exist and it not easy to edit for me , it did not download completely , its contain only 10.2MB , previously Woodmart was sold by one of my friend he had 24 MB something like that, My friend who sold woodmart he had all menus and sub-menus available. I saw his theme.
    Please provide me Accurate theme and complete, It may be damaged and I found it. Please give me complete theme in my themeforest account
    my user name= saifullah12
    email= [email protected]
    site= http://www.amanoth.com

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    Hello again,

    Regarding my enquiries:

    1 – https://imgur.com/pn76Xdz
    This is the space which I would like to shrink.

    2 – I would like when the website is opened from desktop devices the zoom option on the product page to be zoom, not the entire photo to be opened in pop-up. Like this:https://imgur.com/l8TXB2R
    However, when the website is opened from mobile, when customer tap on photo the photo to open in a pop-up, like this https://imgur.com/2lpbwg1
    I don’t want when the customer tap on photo it to be zoomed like this: https://imgur.com/fZGWmbo

    So, I want in “Theme Settings-> Product Page-> Images ->Main image click action” to be “Zoom” for desktop and “Photoswipe popup” for mobile.

    3 – I disabled the breadcrumbs as suggested by you but nothing changed. Any suggestions?



    1. Enter the page and set margin-top:-40px in the upper row settings: http://prntscr.com/lexqqs

    2. There is no option to enable one feature on mobile and other on the desktop.

    3. Our theme settings disable the breadcrumbs on the theme and there are also breadcrumbs from the Woocommerce they are removed by custom CSS:

    .single-breadcrumbs-wrapper .woocommerce-breadcrumb, 

    Add this code to the Theme Settings > custom CSS

    Best Regards



    Thank you, Elise!

    One last question – how can I disable the breadcrumbs only on the “Shop” page? I want the breadcrumbs to stay on the product pages.

    Best regards



    Enter the shop page and add the custom code I have provided into the page settings and remove from the Theme Settings http://prntscr.com/lgnooz

    Best Regards




    When I put the code in the “Shop” page as suggested by you nothing changes, breadcrubms are still displayed. However, when I put the code in the Globall CSS form in Theme settings it is working and breadcrumbs are not displayed. Any ideas from where the issue comes and how can I fix it?



    Please provides your site admin access I will try to provide the CSS for the shop page only.

    Best Regards




    Credentials provided below.



    Unfortunately, there is no possibility to hide the breadcrumbs only on the shop page. We can hide on all the pages.

    If it is acceptable to add this code to the Theme setting > Custom CSS


    Best Regards

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