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Product Page Space Issue

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  • #238875


    Hi sir , i have facing problem with , when i make small screen for test , in desktop , and make laptop size. or some others size. after i make full width , there is lot of space remaning in prodcut pages. i show you screen shot . plz check i attached

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    I saw the screenshot you attached and visited your website.

    Please deactivate all the third-party plugins activate the parent theme then clear cache and check back.

    If the problem continues then leave all the third-party plugins and provide admin panel login details with the permissions to debug then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Xtemos Studios.



    Hi sir , i deactive already and checked . but issue is coming same . when i make screen small and big. some time big space remaning , and some time ok



    I have logged into your website and checked after deactivating the cache plugin and there is no such space as you mentioned.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/vdxn1l

    Please deactivate the cache plugin and check back after clearing the browser cache.

    Xtemos Studios.



    hi sir i checked same issue coming. i make video and sending you attachment



    video not upload .. i am sharing you link of my video . i upload my google drive .



    I watched the video you attached and revisited your website.

    Please deactivate all the third-party plugins, activate the parent theme, and check back after deactivating the cache plugin.

    If the problem continues then leave all the third-party plugins and tell then we will troubleshoot with the theme plugins.

    Because currently all the third-party plugins are activated.

    Best Regards.



    sir when i checked , i active again . now i deactive again . all plugin i deactive still problem is coming. i send you screen shot

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I have revisited your website and checked and there is no such space as you mentioned. Please clear the cache and check back.

    Video for Clarification: https://jmp.sh/fQAZfhk

    Best Regards.



    hi sir, i jsut disbale all plugin , and remove cache , everything sir. still problem is coming . space is coming. when i make small screen and then big. i send you video also . how space is coming . https://ibb.co/qWzgvyT


    Artem Temos

    It happens only when you manually change the size of the browser from mobile to desktop and the gallery is not recalculated so fast. You need to resize it a bit more to fix https://gyazo.com/497b35f7a3690cec4883163d9975e719
    But it is not the problem since your customers will not do this with their browsers. And on real mobile devices, it will work without any problems.

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