Home Forums WoodMart support forum Product price not showing – also cannot edit Product Layout, cannot add layout

Product price not showing – also cannot edit Product Layout, cannot add layout

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  • #511847


    Hi, Can you help me – I have added some products to my store and could not see their price
    I have a custom layout but I cant even edit it
    I also cannot create a new layout – Something went wrong with the creation of the layout!

    Can you logon to have a look please thank you



    Please deactivate the third party not related to our theme and check the issue. If the issue remains, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, and switch to the parent theme. As soon as we complete the testing of this plugin we will enable it all back, You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards.



    We have done this many times and the issue remains. Please note this carefully:

    The layout we created is not working and we cannot edit it. Nothing to do with the plugin
    If you want to test it pls do so and check and create a layout or enable one that works.



    Now check back your site and check the layout how it works.

    Best Regards.



    Im not sure what you did but nothing has changed. Still no price is showing. If you dont know how to do this please on to a developer. I have given you access to have a look you can even change layouts for the product page if you want to see – nothing can be edited anymore now with elementor and the product layout does not show the price and the thirdparty plugin has long been disabled please fix this please thanks



    Your issue has been resolved. Check back your site after completely clearing the browser cache.

    Best Regards.



    Thank you. Can you tell me what css or how to turn these off from popping up (add to wishlist and selection icons popup)

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    Also the price is not centered – can you help me centre this pls



    I placed it in a section and centered it … just need these annoying popups to disable pls



    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings

    .product-grid-item.wd-hover-icons .wrapp-buttons {
    display: none;

    Best Regards.



    ad to have a live product for the layout to work – this can be closed


    Most Welcome!!!.

    I’m so happy to hear you are pleased with the Theme and Support. XTEMOS strives to deliver the best customer experience, and it makes our day to hear we have accomplished that.

    We count ourselves lucky to have you as a customer. You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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