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Product search and product filters

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  • #405531



    I have two problems where I need assistance.

    1) Product search:
    The product search looks for all products with the given keyword. I want that the search looks for products with the keywords in the current category. Is that possible?

    For example if you click in the header menu on “Verkauf” under “Angebote”. The category page “Verkauf” opens. Now when I enter keywords in the search bar on the left I only want to show products of the category “Verkauf” but at the moment it shows every product with the given keyword.

    2) Product filters:
    When I apply filters and click on the filter button it opens a product page and does not list all of the products with the given filters.

    I hope you can help me out.

    Kind regards.



    Woocommerce search does not provide such an option. WoodMart search is based on the default search functionality.

    You need to enable “Enable archives?” to make the attribute as a page with the products related to this attribute.

    Best Regards



    Where do I find the option “Enable archives?”



    You need to edit the attribute in the Dashboard >Product > Attributes > Select Attribute.

    Best Regards



    That option is enabled and when I try to filter the products it still opens one product with the attribute and not a list of products with the attribute.



    Could you kindly provide an URL showing how you want to have your attribute page?

    Best Regards



    I added the link in the extra information tab.

    On the left side inside the sidebar you can see the filters. If you select something for “Hersteller” or “Typ” and try to filter the next page you get is a product. I want that there is a page with all products that fit the keyword in the filter instead of a product page. Basically a product archive for the attribute like you said before.

    Kind regards



    Hello? ANY response?



    Also when I use the product filter why can I not put in one letter and it immediately jumps to one attribute starting with the letter? Normally this works on every dropdown so it is easier to find something under 250+ attributes.

    I want to look for “Coba” so I type a “C” so that it jumps to any attribute with “C” but this does not work with the current filters.

    Btw I added new Information in the extra information tab because we alreaddy moved the website because you are to slow to answer…



    Product filers are the Woocommerce functionality. please check the issue on the Storefront theme with the default Woocommerce filters to detect if our theme causes the problem.

    As for the search in the attributes, this option is added starting from version 6.4.

    Best Regards

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