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Product sheets are cut

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  • #110061


    Hello !
    Since yesterday, end of the afternoon all my product sheets are cut in height (both on pc than on smartphone).
    As a result, we no longer see photos and categories on the right are no longer displayed in their entirety.
    I also noticed that when one is on a “category” page, the browser tab (top left) displays as “Archives of …”.
    These two actions modifications appeared apparently at the same time.
    I did not change anything about the design that worked on WPML in recent days, contact forms and the implementation of a payment module …
    Could you help me ?
    King regards,

    Ps : an example

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    Navigate to the Theme Settings > Product Page and check which header is set. Navigate to Header Builder and check the header disable the overlap option https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/enable-header-overlap/

    If it does not help, please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards




    Thank you very much for your quick reply !!!

    I disabled the overlap option and… it works !!! 🙂
    But now, the image for category heading almost does not appear … It’s not very serious but it worked perfectly until yesterday and I have not changed any settings …

    Do you have an idea why (since yesterday too) when one is on a “category” page, the browser tab (top left) displays as “Archives of …”.

    Kind regards




    Please provide your site URL if your site is under maintenance please provide also admin access.

    Best Regards



    The site is not under maintenance but is not yet open to customers.
    To provide you with administrator access, I would need your e-mail address (in private content).



    Here is my email: [email protected]

    Best Regards




    I just sent you admin access.

    In fact, I do not understand at all what happens because since Tuesday afternoon a lot of things have been changed while I have absolutely not touched.

    In addition to the layout of the product sheets (I really preferred with the option overlap and especially for all the other pages of the site – Home, editorial pages, categories) and the nails of the browser which now display “Archives of … “, I noticed this morning that other modifications had appeared (all alone !!!).

    Two examples …
    • The permalinks:
    I set the product permalinks this way: https://mondotaboo.com/product_name/
    and now they present themselves this way
    Same for categories: before https://mondotaboo.com/category/ and now https://mondotaboo.com/category-product/category/

    • Access to the site and opening of certain pages:
    When a visitor arrives on the site or at the opening of some pages, it has for one second another environment that appears before seeing the requested page as it really is (see screenshot attached).

    Again, I have absolutely not touched these settings (design and others), they appeared once Tuesday afternoon while I make all the updates of the plug-in and theme.


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    Deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and check how your site is loaded.

    Navigate to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks > Product permalink and configure the URLs

    Our styles are in the Footer. You can test how it works with some default theme.

    Best Regards



    Hello !

    I have to disable ALL installed plug-ins (and thus lose all their settings) ??? !!!

    Do you still need admin access?

    Kind regards,




    Please deactivate the plugins not related to the theme. This list of plugins should be active http://prntscr.com/mckr3o

    Check the issue and inform. If the issue has gone, activate plugins one by one and check which causes the problem.

    Best Regards

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