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Product swatches on shop page

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  • #558238



    I have two variations: color and volume of product. For example color: black, white, and volume: 100l and 200l.
    For each variation, different images are uploaded:
    – black 100l
    – black 200l
    – white 100l
    – white 200l

    On the shop page, there will be two colors visible but from which volume (we have 4 variations)? How images are chosen for color swatches on the shop page? Could you give me deeper knowledge about it?


    Luke Nielsen


    The image is choosen from the settings of the variation – https://prnt.sc/xFLZTIUdfhPk

    As for the deeper knowledge, you want the path of the appropriate code?

    Kind Regards



    I understand the concept but when you have different images for each size-color variation, for example:
    – t-shirt in size S color white
    – t-shirt in size L color white
    – t-shirt in size S color black
    – t-shirt in size L color black

    From which variation image will be shown in swatches? In example, in the shop grid there will be two color swatches: black and white. Do white swatches take images from S or L (images for each size be different)? Do black swatches take images from S or L (images for each size be different)? We have two possibilities.


    Luke Nielsen


    The thing is that the “t-shirt in size S color white” and “t-shirt in size L color white” are different variations. here is an example from my side – https://prnt.sc/7gR7LIqE2TP9 , therefore the different images will be shown for them – https://prnt.sc/Ojf8T4pr6C2r

    On the product grid, the images will be shown after selecting the size, video – https://gyazo.com/6a4d84901c97c7b10c17b2e6b320ba53

    Kind Regards




    sory for late feedback. Thank you for test but what image will be shown when size is not visible in archive, you will have only color (https://prnt.sc/s2ju7LyaXBAA) . So you have 4 variations:
    – Blue L
    – Black L
    – Blue S
    – Black S

    In shop archive only color is visible. What image will be used to show variation?

    In my example I have 5 colors and 10 size of each color. I display only color to filter in shop archive but I would like to know which size will be choosen to display, is it random? When I click color black I have 10 different possibility?


    Luke Nielsen


    If the size persists in the settings of the variations then it always be visible after selecting an appropriate color like in the video below:


    If the color black has 10 sizes then all of them will be shown.

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

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