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Products Grid or Carousel show only on product

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  • #5321


    Hi, as the styling for the thumbnails on Posts Carousel is deprecated (your spelling is wrong – it is depreciated) we tried the Products (grid or carousel) but whatever combination of items we only have 1 product in the carousel per page, even when we put the settings to 8 for items per page and slides per view.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for reporting about this issue.

    We just checked and see that it is bug in our newly created carousel. A fix will be included in our next update (in 6-8 days). Or if you need it ASAP you can add this code in the file inc/shortcodes

    'speed' => '5000',
    'slides_per_view' => '1',
    'wrap' => '',
    'autoplay' => 'no',
    'hide_pagination_control' => '',
    'hide_prev_next_buttons' => '',
    'scroll_per_page' => 'yes',

    right AFTER this piece of code

    	function basel_shortcode_products($atts, $query = false) {
    		global $woocommerce_loop, $basel_loop;
    	    $parsed_atts = shortcode_atts( array(
    	        'post_type'  => 'product',
    	        'layout' => 'grid',
    	        'include'  => '',
    	        'custom_query'  => '',
    	        'taxonomies'  => '',
    	        'pagination'  => '',
    	        'items_per_page'  => 12,
    			'product_hover'  => basel_get_opt( 'products_hover' ),
    	        'columns'  => 4,
    	        'sale_countdown'  => 0,
    	        'offset'  => '',
    	        'orderby'  => 'date',
    	        'order'  => 'DESC',
    	        'meta_key'  => '',
    	        'exclude'  => '',
    	        'class'  => '',
    	        'ajax_page' => '',



    if( ! function_exists( 'basel_shortcode_carousel' )) {
    	function basel_shortcode_carousel($atts, $content = '') {
    		global $woocommerce_loop;
    		$el_class = $speed = '';
    		$slides_per_view = $wrap = $scroll_per_page = $title_out = '';
    		$autoplay = $hide_pagination_control = $hide_prev_next_buttons = $output = '';
    		$posts = array();
    		extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    			'el_class' => '',
    			'posts_query' => '',
    			'speed' => '5000',
    			'slides_per_view' => '1',
    			'product_hover'  => basel_get_opt( 'products_hover' ),
    			'wrap' => '',
    			'autoplay' => 'no',
    			'hide_pagination_control' => '',
    			'hide_prev_next_buttons' => '',
    			'title' => '',
    			'scroll_per_page' => 'yes',
    		), $atts ) );

    Where do I make the changes here? These are if functions the way you’ve described the fix doesn’t make sense


    Artem Temos

    Very strange, are you able to provide us your FTP access so we could check this?

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