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Products not showing on mobile as well as header banner on mobile is not lining

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  • #440809



    The margins on the header banner on mobile don’t look right and the products arn’t showing up on mobile either.

    Could you please assist?

    Thanks for your help in advance




    As far as we have checked your Site in real time Mobile view, the Products are appearing fine: https://snipboard.io/D4bFEZ.jpg

    Also, the Header Banner seems to be appearing fine too. It is adjusting the Text added in it according to the space available: https://snipboard.io/8Kh3R1.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing the browser and server cache.

    Best Regards




    Have made my site live, and products not showing on my iphone. And the header banner is not responsive, is cutting out, could you please assist?

    Also starting to work in responsive mode and instagram widget is not responding to changes in responsive or normal mode could you please assist?



    Regarding the Header Banner, we have thoroughly checked. It seems that you had added some extra space in the content of it which is why it was being cut-off for Mobile responsive views. We have removed those spaces added and it now seems to be appearing fine for the Mobile view: https://snipboard.io/9vj1k6.jpg

    The Instagram widget seems to be showing changes fine as we are viewing. Could you explain further what issue are you exactly facing in this regard on your Site?

    Regarding the Products preview in iOS device, we have checked this and the Products are also previewing fine for the iOS devices too on the Shop page as well as on the Single Product page too: https://snipboard.io/uaYDk0.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing the browser and server cache.

    Best Regards




    Thanks for all your help and guidance.

    In regards to the header banner now that it is working properly on the mobile it is now cut off on the desktop (have sent through screenshot) but on my iphone it is still not showing up properly. Will send screenshot.

    all good re instagram have just removed completely for mobile and ipad.

    On my iphone the homepage products are not showing up at all – need some assistance with it. It is saying that it should be showing but it isn’t coming up on my iphone 12? Don’t know how to resolve this.

    In incognito mode the products are showing but the headerbanner is still cut off?

    Could you please assist?

    Really appreciate your help


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    Your earlier provided WP-ADMIN Login details in the previous Topics aren’t working right now. So, we are unable to Login to your Site to see the issues further.

    As far as the Header Banner is concerned for the Desktop view, it seems to be a height issue defined for it. Right now it is showing 30px height which is not correct for Desktop view. So, try setting it as 50px under the Dashboard > Theme Settings > General > Header banner > Style > Banner height for desktop > try to set it as 50 and then check back this concern again.

    Same issue with the Banner for the Mobile view too. Try setting the height as 60px for the Mobile view from the above told location and then check back this concern again. The text under your Header is large enough in terms of words that’s why it is coming on to two lines and to adjust that it certainly requires to adjust the height of it.

    The Instagram section on your Homepage seems to be forcefully hidden for the Mobile view which is why it isn’t showing for the said viewport. So, once try editing your Homepage with the page builder active on your Site > and try editing that specific Section > and check under the Advanced tab of the Section > if it is hidden for certain viewports or not.

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards

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