I have a problemn with products per page. For example I set up 16 products per page, If a products becomes out of stoc the place on that page remains empty.
You can check here: https://ham-bebe.ro/articole-copii/jucarii-din-lemn/
i don’t have this problem with other theme
My developer says your theme does not work well with woocommercs, meaning that out of stock products, although not visible on site, are pulled from the database, that’s why i have pages with 3 products, or with 10 products, although the products per page is set at 16,
Our theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce and doesn’t change the default shop page query. Could you please provide us your admin access so we can check it?
Interesting, because, I deactivated all plugins and the problem persists.
If your theme is not the fault, nor any plugin, then who is?