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Products per page links don't work

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  • #302657



    I am using woodmart with the WCFM marketplace plugin. The problem is that I have activated the option “Products per page links” but it does not work on the store page. It always shows the number of products that you configure in the
    WCFM plugin, not what I select in the theme. Is it possible that the functionality “Products per page links” on the product page?

    Thank you



    You need to set the same number of the products both in the plugin and in the Theme Settings.

    WoodMart theme is compatible with the plugin but the theme is not synchronized and does not influence the plugin options.

    If you have any questions or need further help, please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    OK. But but I am not referring to the initial number of products when loading the store page, I mean the “Products per page links” (view image) do not work. In the example in the image, the same number of products are always shown even if you click on 24 or 35. it is posible it work on the store page?

    Thank you!

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    This value is set in the Theme Settings > Product archive > Product gird, please find the option: Products per page variations – https://gyazo.com/09e6631201a0e50407a2f6f5e1d173c5

    I have checked it works. Perhaps the plugin influences, try to configure equal values in both theme settings and plugins.

    Best Regards

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