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Promo Banner No visual

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  • #366993


    Hi boys!
    Unfortunately we have a small bug that we can’t figure out where the problem is ..

    In one line we can not see a Promo Banner, I state that before we saw it regularly .. Suddenly it is no longer seen, we did several tests, we tried to do it even when new but nothing! we can’t make it see anymore.

    (See attached images)

    I have privately given you the credentials as an administrator to do some checks, Since we do not have a Staging site for this, we kindly ask you to pay attention to the changes as it is a LIVE site, you can still make temporary changes but as soon as you have tested please put everything back as you found, in any case our goal is to understand why only a Promo Banner can no longer be seen.

    The page to check is the Home, which is called: “Home Biwem – Home page”

    Let me know if you have found the bug.

    I wait for you here!
    Thanks my friends!

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    Please, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elisa!
    Thanks for your assistance..

    Wait, don’t do anything, if you’re telling me it might be a interfering plugin, I’ll do some testing.

    In case I warn you if you can intervene as this is a LIVE site.

    Let me check it out first and then we update them.


    Thank you so much dear!



    Hello Elisa!
    I’m back..

    I preferred to do the plugin deactivation test myself, because the site is used at certain times by our customers, for this reason I was in control of the time for the test myself.

    I have deactivated all the plugins as per your recommendations, but the problem remains the same, For this I am attaching a video that demonstrates the deactivation of the plugins. I assure you that even by deactivating all the plugins the problem remains, I have also deleted the Cache and Cookie But nothing always remains this Strange Bug.

    I state that I have left active only the plugins essential to your theme such as WoodmartCore, Slide revolution and WPBakery Page Builder, where they certainly do not create the problem.

    However if you can figure out where the bug is I would be enormously grateful ..

    If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask ok?

    A thousand thanks!
    I’ll wait for you here

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    Please upload an image to each Promo banner, an image is essential for this widget.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elisa

    I noticed that uploading an image actually reads the content.

    I don’t understand why he only does it with one of the Promo Banners.

    If you notice the other PromoBanners, I made them without Image, yet you can see the content well.

    why does this bug?

    Let me know if you have a patch in mind that fixes this bug.

    I’ll wait here



    This is not a bug, this is the nature of the Promo banner widget.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elisa!
    Thanks as always for your help!

    I confirm that I solved as you advised me to insert an image .. I put a color background.

    But the strange thing is that I haven’t included them in the other promobanners and everything works.

    anyway now ok.

    Thank you very much for your help

    A warm greeting


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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