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Aprove registratie user and custumize registration form

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  • #61250


    2. I already solved it thanks

    3. working thanks

    4. Is there a way that the cart only comes up after login to the website? Because now its not correct in list view en 4 collum view. How can i do this?

    5. For the logo ”brands” is it posible that the arrow can stay in stead that i must hover on it? And is the same option posible for the logo ”brands” on the bottom of the product page?


    Artem Temos

    4. Sorry, but there is no such functionality in WooCommerce and our theme.

    5. What arrow do you mean? Could you please send us a screenshot?



    5. I send an screenshot for what i mean. I want the arrows be always visible for the homepage and other pages.

    6. The outline of the product page is not good i send a picture. And for the homepage i mis the 3th block un the bottom. what can i do about this?

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    Bogdan Donovan


    5. Try to add following custom CSS code to make your slider arrows always visible.

    .owl-carousel .owl-nav>div {
        transform: translateY(0);
        -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
        opacity: 1;
        visibility: visible;
        pointer-events: visible;

    6. Try to add following custom CSS code to fix your tabled single page layout.

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
    	body .product-image-summary-wrap>.col-sm-9,
    	body .product-image-summary-wrap>.col-sm-3 {
    		right: auto;
    		left: auto;

    Since we don’t have access to the backend view of your homepage we cannot see which exactly block is missing on the page.




    5. Doesn’t work yet i don’t see the arrows on product page. See picture

    6. Works thanks

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    Bogdan Donovan

    Pagination arrows are disabled in your brand’s carousel element settings. http://prntscr.com/jr5i33

    If you want to show prefooter on your homepage you need to disable this options in the page settings. https://prnt.sc/jr5jle




    Ok thanks for this.

    And can you help me out with the blocks?

    In the image you see the view on a iPad


    Artem Temos


    Could you please reupload your screenshots in a size smaller than 512KB?

    Thank you in advance

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