Hi there,
I’m building an e-shop for a meat shop.
Most products will be sold per “kg”. So minimum order would be 0,5kg and max order 15kg. Also, there would be the quantity step (0.5 , 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5…etc).
In order to achieve these purposes I’m using plugin Booster for woocommerce .
Well, everything works fine according to my plan except for product quantity input on the home page when I’m using product modals of the theme.
The shop page works fine: https://prnt.sc/jqy4zfptA0It
Homepage, there is an issue. Min quantity 1, not 0.5 : https://prnt.sc/ozNcmR5pBhDH
Support of Booster for woocommerce told me that something is wrong with the theme.