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Quantity input on product

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  • #416747


    Hi there,
    I’m building an e-shop for a meat shop.
    Most products will be sold per “kg”. So minimum order would be 0,5kg and max order 15kg. Also, there would be the quantity step (0.5 , 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5…etc).
    In order to achieve these purposes I’m using plugin Booster for woocommerce .
    Well, everything works fine according to my plan except for product quantity input on the home page when I’m using product modals of the theme.

    The shop page works fine: https://prnt.sc/jqy4zfptA0It

    Homepage, there is an issue. Min quantity 1, not 0.5 : https://prnt.sc/ozNcmR5pBhDH

    Support of Booster for woocommerce told me that something is wrong with the theme.



    Sorry I didn’t mention that some products will be sold by piece ( default woocoomerce ) .



    You are using the 3rd party plugin for this, so you should ask the plugin author support to check the issue and solve it for you.

    This issue is not related to the theme.

    Best Regards.

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