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Query regarding weak passwords and password hint message

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  • #122355




    1.) Is it possible to allow “weak passwords” to be kept?

    2.) Also while creating a password there is a message displayed that password should be minimum 12 characters. But the website is accepting 8 character password as well.

    Is it possible to find which paramaters are used to accept or reject passwords? And how to change the password hint message? Regards.



    This is the Woocommerce functionality and our theme does not influence that. Try to search for a plugin.

    Best Regards




    I am using digits plugin which have the functionality if there registration page is used.


    Can you let Me know where can I add their shortcode so that when I click on the link shown in the image it takes to their registration page. Regards.



    Do you mean your registration page? You can check which page is assigned to be the registration in Woocommerce > Setting > Accounts and Privacy.

    You would better refer the plugin documentation as we do not have any instructions thereon.

    Best Regards




    You can lower the password strength by using this snippet on your functions.php file of the child theme or using this plugin and adding the below snippet.


     * Change the strength requirement on the woocommerce password
     * Strength Settings
     * 4 = Strong
     * 3 = Medium (default) 
     * 2 = Also Weak but a little stronger 
     * 1 = Password should be at least Weak
     * 0 = Very Weak / Anything
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_min_password_strength', 'woodmart_change_password_strength' );
    function woodmart_change_password_strength( $strength ) {
    	 return 4;
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