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Question about PHP php and speeding up the page

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  • #99562



    Two questions. I have version 3.3.0

    1 – I’m using the My Custom Functions plugin for custom PHP code. From the moment of updating to version 3.3.0, this plugin started displaying fragments of PHP code in the page header area (but only for the admin). This is not a problem, but it could not be. It looks like something would block the record

    function my_custom_available_payment_gateways ($ gateways) {if (! is_admin ()) {
    $ chosen_shipping_rates = WC () -> session-> get (‘chosen_shipping_methods’);

    Maybe you have an idea how to change the record to be effective as before

    2 – second question. The site loads 12 seconds on the phone and I can not speed it up. There is no revelation on computers. This is not a matter of additional plugins. turning off all does not change anything. Can you see how to improve page loading? I noticed that it quickly loads the initial images and then slows down. At the end, the footer appears. I tried different settings in the “Performance” tab and generated style.css. Unfortunately, no results. I need help in this topic.

    The site is already in production mode, so I have to make changes carefully.

    I have one more idea, but I do not know how to get to him. My server supports HTTP / 2, SPDY. Unfortunately, I do not know how to adapt the site to such functionality. Do you think that this is a good idea for a quick page? would you be able to run HTTP / 2 on my site?

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    1. Seems to be some custom PHP code not related to our theme. Sorry, but we don’t know how it supposes to work and don’t have a fix for it.

    2. We just tested your website on both mobile and desktop devices and it loads fast enough. Without cache (first visit) it takes 5-6 seconds to load that is a normal time for your number of content elements and images.


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