Home Forums WoodMart support forum QUICK VIEW BUTTON NOT WORKING POPERLY


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  • #181589


    When we are trying to click buy button in the quick view for an affiliate product, it is not taking to the external affiliate site. Instead it tries to add the product in the cart. So its a huge problem for affiliate marketing with this theme. Please try to resolve the matter.



    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in the WoodMart WordPress family :-).

    Please provide the URL of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    I have included the link to one of the product category pages. Please click on any product’s quick view and click “Buy On amazon” or “Buy on Flipkart” button and check it is not directing to external affiliate website instead trying to add in the cart.



    I have watched the video you attached and visited the URL you provided. Please deactivate all the third party plugins, activate parent theme.

    Clear cache and check back.

    If the problem continues then provide admin panel login details of the website to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    Hi Aizaz, i have deactivated all third party plugins on parent theme itself. Even after clearing cache it is still not working correctly. Giving you an admin details.



    I have logged in to your website and disabled the option product variations to be displayed on the quick view from Theme Settings >> Shop >> Quick View. And the affiliate link is working on my end.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/P6nHdPy

    Please clear cache and check back.

    Best Regards.



    1. So it means quick view’s button will work either for Variable products or for affiliate products. Can’t it work for both simultaneously because i was looking for making a mix store which will include affiliate products as well as my own listed products.

    2. Also, now the link directing to affiliate website in the same window. How can i make it open in a new tab or window? If there is no option then, can you give me any custom JS code that can do it. Like adding, target=”_blank” only in affiliate external links.



    1) Yes the quick view is designed in a way that you can allow it to buy the products directly or doesn’t allow you to shop the product. You cannot make the both work at the same time.

    2) Unfortunately, you could not add the target blank to the quick view button, It requires customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Best Regards.



    2. Okay target blank cannot be added to quick view button. But can we add it in thumbnail button & the main product page button? I found one conversation on this forum regarding https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/external-buy-button-open-in-new-tab/ .

    But i couldn’t understand how to do it. Can you please do it for me. You have the admin access.



    Unfortunately, we could not help you with this. You are asking for core files customization that are beyond our limitations and support policy. You can edit the files mentioned in the ticket link you provided at your own risk.


    You can hire any third party developer to do this for you.

    Best Regards.


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