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Random order on products display

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  • #55750


    I need a special order on the grid where the products are dispalyed on each category; i order the products by category manually on the woocommerce admin by clickng on “sort” and moving each product.

    But at the nex day products have change the order automatically; i found an option on the theme settings: “Portfolio order by” and i change it to “menu order” but although products change the order when a purchase is made.



    I need a special order on the grid where the products are displayed on each category

    Do you mean shop/category page or grid on the home page? If you are trying to display products on the home page with Product grid element, you need to set a category there. http://prntscr.com/jd2t7m try to set the list of IDs and your products should keep the order of ID

    Best Regards



    No, in general, for example this category: https://panaleraencasa.com/product-category/bebe/panales/

    I set up an order of the products on the products admin / sorting.

    I move the products to a specific order, for example:

    -Product a
    -Product b
    – Product c

    I go to the store and the order is correct, but for example at the next 24hs the order is different for example:
    -Product c
    – Product b
    – Produc a

    I think the products are changing order as they are sold, its showin first the more purchased products and its not respecting my order.



    Sorting product order in admin just allows finding a product easily. After the update or reset the order would be the same. The default product order is by date of adding. Our theme does not influence this WooCommerce functionality. If you switch to any default theme you would see the same.

    Best Regards

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