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RankMath does not detect h1 h2 h3 in posts and pages.

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  • #596912


    RankMath does not detect h1 h2 h3 in posts and pages.
    I utilize woodmart and consequently WP Bakery but Rank Math is unable to read the content correctly.
    The problem is that Rank Math does not detect for SEO h1 h2 h3 in posts and pages.

    This is a guide suggested for you by RankMath with the developers of Woodmart: https://rankmath.com/kb/content-analysis-api/.

    Can you help me solve the problem
    Thank you


    Luke Nielsen


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty-Four or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if it is our theme issue or not?

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke
    I have made a new installation on one of my test sites just to give you the opportunity to check and fix the issue. This way, you can run your tests without causing any damage to the main site. Let me know if there are any changes to apply to my primary site.
    Best regards,


    Luke Nielsen


    So on the default Storefront theme it works well? Please clarify.

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards



    I have sent you a test installation with the passwords so you can solve the problem safely. It does not work on the website marinigerardi.it and it does not work on the test site.
    Could you try to solve the problem and then tell me what to change on marinigerardi.it?
    Thank you,


    Luke Nielsen


    Currently, I see that the analyzer cannot find only the h1 tag – https://take.ms/LjduXf so you can define it in our Section title element here – https://take.ms/3JhY9

    Let me know if you use another analyzer in rank math SEO so I can test it.

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

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