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Redirection error in checkout and cart links

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    I recently bought the woodmart template, and so far i like it.

    However it seems that there is a problem with the further pages like the cart page and checkout page, when i add a product to my cart and i try to view the cart or proceed to the payement it redirects me back to my homepage ?

    Where does that problem come from exactly, could you please help me fix this problem ?

    Thanks in advance


    Artem Temos


    We are glad to know that you considered using WoodMart for your web-site. I hope you will be happy with it.

    Most likely, you missed WooCommerce installation setup wizard and didn’t install plugin’s pages. You can do this manually in WooCommerce -> System status -> Tools -> Install pages.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you so much indeed that solved my issue. I didn’t think i’d have to that myselft, i thought it’s preconfigured when the theme and the demo is installed !

    Anyway, thank you again for your help and quick reply. Much appreciated Sir.


    My best regards.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome!

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