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Redux Framework conflict with adding to cart

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  • #131001


    Hello there,

    I’m having this issue where products that have variables cannot be added to cart.

    I keep getting the error “Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.” every time i press add to cart.

    The issue does not appear on normal products.

    I figured its the Redux Framework because when disabled everything is working correctly.

    All plugins/themes are up to date.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you alot in advance



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    The reason is not Redux Framework. Variable product requires selecting a certain variation to be added. You can test the variable product on the Storefront and see the same. It is just the way variable product works.

    Best Regards



    Hello there,

    Thank you for your reply.

    What do you mean exactly? I don’t get what do i have to do. And what do you mean i have to test it in Storefront? you mean the frond-end?

    Currently i do have variations – https://prnt.sc/o9v4k3

    Thank you



    Any variable product requires to select the certain option of the product and then you can add to cart, otherwise, you will see the message. This is the way Woocommerce work. You can get convinced testing the issue on the Storefront theme (Woocommerce theme). You will see the same.

    Best Regards



    But this is what I’m saying, this message appears even if I select an option.



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, if the problem remains, leave the plugins not activated and provide the site admin access to the private area as you have provided only to your front-end access.

    Best Regards



    I have done what you requested and issue still persists. Could you please have a look?

    Thank you



    Please deactivate this option http://prntscr.com/oaeye4

    We are now working on the issue and will fix it in the nearest update.

    Best Regards



    Hey there,

    You mean activate or deactivate? because i found it deactivated and when i activated it, it’s working.

    Let me know your thoughts

    Thank you



    Sorry, my mistake you need to enable the option “Additional variations images” in the Theme Settings > Product page > Images

    Best Regards



    Thank you Elise for your help. Work correctly now!

    Have a good one!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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