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Remove “Clear”, Quantity, Add to cart

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  • #599139


    We would need help with the following on the Add to cart widget.

    1. Remove the Clear text and function/animation when you chose a variation.

    2. Have a preselected variation, so instead of none of the varition being selected from the start we can choose which variation to be the defult selected once you load in.

    3. Add code to remove the Add to cart button, as there are no other widget where we can access the variation without adding the add to cart.

    4. Removing the Quantity Button.

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    I also want to mention we did try to remove the clear button with

    “add_filter(“woocommerce_reset_variations_link”, “__return_false” );”

    However the animation is still there, the cart button moves slighlty after we select a variation.

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