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Remove owl carousel single product page

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  • #111869


    Hello, i need to remove the carousel in the single product page that shows featured image product and gallery.

    Can you please assist, i’ll attach an explaining .gif




    You need just upload one image into the featured product image and clean the gallery field. And disable “Additional variations images” in the Theme Settings > Product page > Images

    Best Regards



    Hello, i can’t remove the image from the featured image gallery because i need it for the shop page on mouseover effect, “Additional variations images” is already off.

    I just need a way to prevent the carousel in the single product page



    There is no option to disable the carousel. We will have to hide the whole gallery.

    Best Regards



    Ok. Lets find a Solution together please.
    is it possible to remove navigation arrows with CSS and Also prevent the swipe function?
    This is very important because as I already asked you in a topic before, the issue im having with this carousel is that if the customer swipes to the Second image (set in the product gallery) when he selects product variation he cant see update product image because the carousel doesn’t ‘reset’ to the first, updated, image. Instead, they are ‘stuck’ in the product gallery and cant see the variation image. They would have to ‘swipe back’. But honestly it isnt very intuitive.


    Artem Temos

    It doesn’t work as you expect because you are using some external plugin for product variations. If you will use standard WooCommerce variations or our theme swatches, the slider moves to the first slide automatically when you select a color.

    You can disable the carousel with the following CSS code

    .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper .owl-stage {
    	pointer-events: none;
    .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper .owl-nav {
    	display: none;




    Thank you very much Artem. That’s what I needed. Works like a charm.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome.

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