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Remove sidebar from search resutls

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  • #103488



    Do you know how can I disable my sidebar for all search results pages? In general, I use a shop layout with sidebar, but when things come to search results, I would like to have a full-width layout! Is this possible? Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .search-no-results .sidebar-container{

    Best Regards



    Hi, that was really helpful and worked fine for me! Thanks a lot!

    Now, I would like to ask you something more.

    Is there a possibility of making the sidebars sticky as the users scroll down on desktops?

    Finally, I would like to know if the search results pages could work like shop pages when it comes to the presentation of the products. For example, I have set the “load more” feature on my shop page, but when I type a query on the search box, the result page works in another way, with “pagination” feature and no “load more”.

    Thanks again,



    You can make the sticky sidebar by means of the sticky column in Extra tab of the column and Widgetized sidebar element of the WP Bakery page builder where you can choose and set any sidebar.

    However Widgetized sidebar would not work on the shop page.

    Lazy loading is not working on the search results page.

    Best Regards




    Thanks again for your quick response. Was really helpful!

    Finally, what I have also noticed is that after I visit a product’s tag archive, then under the page title of this tag, I get all of the categories in general and not just the categories with products including this tag. This is somehow a problem, while costumers may be confused. Do you have any ideas, or is there a way to disable the categories’ ancestors just for the product tag archives?



    When you open the page with the tab you should see products which have this tag regardless of the category.

    Check your products tags.

    Best Regards




    This is true and this is working properly! I mean when you visit a tag’s archive page, all the products there are including this tag on their descriptions.

    But what about the categories’ ancestors in the page title? Every tag that I visit, I get all of the categories in general as categories’ ancestors in page title!

    Can we fix this?




    You can hide the categories ancestors from the Tag title by means of custom CSS, here is the code:

    .tax-product_tag .woodmart-product-categories {

    Best Regards




    Thank you so much, that was perfectly worked for me!




    Hi again,

    I am still facing issues throughout your theme.

    Every time that I am using a link to another page from the “product single page widget area”, none of these is working. I tried your Woodmart banner widget and finally the WP’s HTML element but nothing seems to work! Every time that I am pressing a button, nothing happens!

    Thanks again,




    I need to tell you that I fixed that! Please, do not give attention to my last query!

    Thanks again,


    Great! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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