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Request to Display Stock Amounts on Product Pages

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  • #586884


    Hello WoodMart Support Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about a feature enhancement for the Product Inner Pages and Product grids on our site. We are interested in displaying the stock amounts for each product directly on these pages, which would greatly enhance the shopping experience by providing our customers with immediate visibility of product availability.

    Could you please guide us on how to enable this feature, or let us know if there’s a custom modification or plugin that we can use to achieve this? Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated as it would help us manage customer expectations more effectively and reduce inquiries related to product availability.

    Thank you in advance for your support and assistance.


    Luke Nielsen


    Check our article on how to enable the stock progress bar – https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/products-stock-progress-bar/

    After displaying it on the product page, enable it for the archive page in Theme Settings -> Product archive -> Products styles -> Stock progress bar: https://take.ms/0qgIc

    Kind Regards



    I followed the instructions and it did worked for the product grid but is not showing in the single products.
    I deactivated all third party plugins thinking maybe there might be some conflicts but still not showing.
    So can you please jump in and check what might be the issue ?


    Luke Nielsen


    I have defined the settings as described in the article above, and it works – https://take.ms/wbWzb

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Kind Regards



    Thanks! Now close this ticket.


    Luke Nielsen


    Always remember that you can reach out to us with any questions you may have.

    We wish you a splendid day!

    Kind Regards

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