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Responsive text – showing partial text

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  • #127539



    I have a subpage where i inserted responsive text on the left + picture on the right (2 columns – from template library). And then i cloned the rows 5 times (5 products with short desriptions).

    The problem is that some rows are displaying the whole text and 2 of them are showing just the first paragraph (the whole text is inserted).

    I saw this topic: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/responsive-text-block-problem/
    it’s done like this and it’s still the same. I did insert normal text block (and it works) but what’s the issue?

    Thank you

    PS: Please remove the picture from attachment when you see it – i should put it in private!



    You should put the text and head separately. Use our Responsive text block and Section title block.

    Best Regards

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