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Row background image responsive

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    I need your help, I have a row with a tagline and background image, but I can’t do anything to make this image responsive.

    What am I doing wrong?



    To assist you more effectively, could you please provide additional details regarding the issues you’re experiencing? Including screenshots and a step-by-step guide to reproduce the problem on your website. Also share the wp logins details of your site so i will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards



    Hello! Of course! So I’ll try to explain it better and leave the login private for you to analyze.

    On the page https://v2.joaorosa.consulting, the first section is a row with 2 columns, and at the bottom of that row there is an image.

    This image does not work on all screens as it does not adjust automatically, as you can see in the screenshots.

    Widescreen: https://prnt.sc/_1UDnvuR2PyC
    Tablet screen: https://prnt.sc/B7cJX2E2Z1wQ
    Mobile: https://prnt.sc/t5VqzSqaGtiW

    Is it clear what I need?



    There’s no need to create a row with two columns. You only need one row, then add the other elements and set the background. I’ve added the banner to the bottom of your homepage. Please review it on your site and customize it to meet your preferences.

    Best Regards




    Thank you!! Works perfectly!


    Most Welcome 🙂

    If you wouldn’t mind, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a 5-star rating for our theme by visiting http://themeforest.net/downloads. Your feedback helps us continue to improve, release new updates, and provide dedicated support in the future.

    Additionally, if you’re satisfied with my assistance, I’d be grateful if you could kindly mention my name, Aizaz, in your review. Your support means a lot to us.

    Wishing you a great day ahead!

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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