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sales prices are not showing properly

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  • #32095


    I have set sale prices for my products and it is working ok but at menu block items with wc products carousel and at Shopping cart I can see only the regular prices. this is happening when I am at a page without products, then the menu blocks are without discount prices.
    when I am at a page with products then the menu blocks are with the sales prices and the label “sales”
    can you explain why this is happening and how we will be able to fix it ?
    thanks in advance

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    Artem Temos


    We need to troubleshoot this problem with via the Dashboard and FTP. Will back to you tomorrow since it too late now.

    Kind Regards


    Artem Temos


    We just tested your website and see that you are using some extra plugin to set sale prices for your products. The problem is that this plugin is working on the shop page only. We tested with default WooCommerce shortcodes and default wordpress theme and it doesn’t work well too. Here are screenshots https://prnt.sc/hxwydy https://prnt.sc/hxwygj
    We suggest you to contact plugin’s developers and ask them to enable this option to work on all pages through the website. Sorry, but there is nothing we can do from our theme side in that situation.


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