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Search Critical Error

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  • #647379



    I’m getting critical error on my website search when pressing return to bring up the list of items.

    I’m not using any other search plugin.

    The ajax search works fine just errors when pressing return.

    The issue seems to be intermittent, I’ve tried disabling all plugins which did fix the problem however it doesn’t appear to be one plugin which causes the issue. I re-enabled Litespeed and it went from working to not working, so I then disabled Litespeed and it worked again so I thought Litespeed was at issue so I re-enabled more plugins but then the issue came back with LiteSpeed disabled.

    I’ve just tried again, I disabled all my plugins one by one and got to All In One SEO and the search wasn’t working so I then disabled All In One SEO and it started working again, so I re-enabled all my other plugins and tested it again but it stopped working.

    There doesn’t appear to be one single plugin this is conflicting with.

    So I’m not sure if this is actually related to a plugin or not?

    Did you guys have any ideas?



    Luke Nielsen


    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty Five or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if it is our theme issue or not?

    Kind Regards




    Weird one. I enabled the 2025 theme and re-checked and the search worked fine so I then re-enabled my Woodmart (child) theme and that’s also working now. I’m confused, why something seems to fix it but then also doesn’t break it again when re-enabled, I had a similar issue with trying to see for plugin conflicts.

    It’s currently working with Woodmart enabled, so I guess I’ll have to keep checking to see if this stops working again and then if it does try switching themes again? Unless you had any other ideas?


    Luke Nielsen


    Most likely it was something with the cache. But if it happens again, send me a video on how to replicate it and access to the admin panel so I can look closer.

    Kind Regards

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