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search in plural

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  • #287667


    Hello, how to activate the feature when the user searches the site in the plural he brings the products that have the word, for example has the product “camera” but if the customer wants to search in the plural “cameras” how to activate this because the theme does not recognize research this way.



    Please make the full backup of your site as well as the Theme settings export and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.

    Best Regards



    we tried to activate the relevanssi plugin and activated the option in the theme panel and daew the search form does not work, would you have to use another one or not? remembering that the theme is updated.



    Please check the plugin documentation and index the products, posts, and other items so that they could be found.

    Best Regards



    Hello, I tried to use the Relevanssi plugin which has in the settings when to use it, it should check, but when I activate it the woodmart search field doesn’t find anything in the search, would it be a bug in the new version?



    The WoodMart search is based on the default Woocommerce functionality. If Woocommerce searches products in this way, WoodMart does the same.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    the problem that products with nomenclature with an accent do not find in the search, and that for us is bad, we need the customer when looking for a product and has the accent in the word, find it

    Ex: sofá



    The search finds both singular and plural forms of the word: https://take.ms/Iz6v6

    Please clarify the problem.

    Best Regards

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