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Search product priority

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  • #543571


    So i need to show the priority of certain products over the products in the search results if the product names have the same words used in them. For eg i when someone searches for cow milk, then I want cow milk to show on top and not other products like cow milk icecream or cow milk butter, etc.



    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios



    but is there a plugin which can add such customization in wordpress so if it happens in wordpress by default then woodmart search would pick it up in that sense ? correct?



    and plus why dont you actually help me giving me some solution atleast . If this professional ecommerce theme doesnt have a search priority thing then there has to be a feature added to it as this is really important. Secondly do you have a woodmart search widget in appearances-> widget?

    Finally is there any other plugin i can use to give priority to the product so your search can automatically pick this up if its added by another plugin in wordpress?

    what about relevenski search , is it compatible with Woodmart and does it have this option?



    You can check the “WoodMart Ajax Search” widget in the Appearance > Widgets. Product search is the default WooCommerce , WoodMart does not control it. Please find a third party plugin to achieve more functionality that best suits you.

    Best Regards.



    You are really in a rush or don’t like to listen to what I asked it seems. I don’t know why but woodmart support was much better earlier. Again, I asked about if selecting woodmart search widget would bring up the popup layout with keyword suggestions like on desktop ? And why can’t we choose the same search in your menu to do this.

    You also did not reply about relevenski search , is it compatible with Woodmart and does it have this search prioroty option? Woodmart has this option of switching to relevenski search in woodmart settings.

    Also you and I both know this needs to be added as a feature. Could you also forward this to the dev team to think of adding these features like search priority and default mobile search opening a full screen pop up modal search window. This is a very important ecommerce feature.

    Meanwhile please do answer the questions inasked you atleast and as I asked please ?

    Thanks in advance
    Website in private content sonyou cam see what I mean



    Sorry for the inconvenience but in general, there is no such ability in our theme and woocommerce.

    You can try to use relevanssi plugin which is compatible with our theme.

    Best Regards.



    ok i get it about relevenski search plugin and that i can try it , but what about my other question –

    Again, I asked about if selecting woodmart search widget would bring up the popup layout with keyword suggestions like on desktop ? And why can’t we choose the same search in your mobile menu search options. For e.g if we click on search input fields then it should open a full screen search modal window with key type suggestions we have entered like how it works on the desktop search item, but like im saying this same doesnt show on mobile search. Ive already added the typing suggestions as you can see on desktop – please first have a look and then tell me why the predefined typing suggestions dont appear on the mobile menu search item – atleast when click to type the input the typing options/suggestions i have put in place should show , simply because thats what it does on the desktop, then why not on the woodmart mobile header search item?




    Navigate to WoodMart > Header builder > edit default header (highlighted star icon) or you can go through the admin bar directly https://prnt.sc/Ct9ehRDvvDV9.

    Switch to the Mobile tab, hover on the Search element, click on the Pencil icon and enable “Fullscreen” instead of the form and check the issue. https://prnt.sc/lcwlWZByrGzu

    Best Regards.



    thats what im trying to say the screenshot https://prnt.sc/lcwlWZByrGzu you sent me shows the mobile option on my header full screen options only show for desktops and not mobile .

    ive sent you screenshot so i dont know where you got your screenshot from but this is the case here on my end. Screenshot attached

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    in the above attached screenshots i sent you i have tried both the default header aswell as the overlap header but i dont see this full screen option for mobile anywhere like youre showing me in your screenshot.



    here are two more screenshot even for header settings it doesnt show fullscreen option anywhere

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    You are configuring the mobile menu settings. Please configure the search settings for this.
    See screenshot for clarification:

    Best Regards.



    i sent you 4 screenshots in two replies – 2 in each . 2 in search settings and 2 in mobile menu settings. Why dont you see it before replying to me. The option doesn not exist. It simply does not exist.
    plus i didnt understand this – https://ibb.co/frxw9gj

    Please do one thing and make a short video about this option and how it affects the mobile search fullscreen layout. I have search every nook and corner of every setting but couldn’t find the option you mention. Please make a video. To avoid moving around in circles please make sure its a video showing such backend settings and front end effect.



    Please see this short video for better understanding.

    Best Regards.

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