Home Forums WoodMart support forum search result page always have 1 block blank and out of alignment

search result page always have 1 block blank and out of alignment

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  • #422225



    Please check my screenshot

    the search result page , always comes with a block that is block out of nowhere

    where it should display 4 product , but shows 3 , with 1 section blank

    also it’s out of alignment while according to the instruction on other topic https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/display-product-evenly-in-product-grid-or-carousel-and-category-page/ I was able to make it display evenly on category page

    all other plugins are disabled , only theme

    provided the login info on private content

    best regards,



    Actually, you had enabled the Masonry Grid layout on your Site under the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Products archive > Products grid > Masonry grid > which is why this was happening. So, we turned that off and now the Search Result page Products layout appears fine: https://ibb.co/84kc5Cn

    Please check back your Site after clearing browser and server cache.

    Best Regards

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