Hello i want to show landing page with registration form but with secondary menu which want to be with hamburger with different obects, so a made a menu and add to secondary menu in header builder but its not possible to make it hamburger menu because its use deffault mobile menu is it possible to change it this hamburger menu to use menu which i choose for it ?
Hi so this is the website https://tria.bg/ and this is landing page for loialty program https://tria.bg/club/ and i would like to make on the landing for loyalty program to be with same hamburger menu as the homepage but different menu which is in the landing showing our other businesses.
Hi i try to do it but i dont now where is mistake so https://tria.bg/club hire i made it on desktop menu to be hamburger and exact one i want but in mobile i cant because if i use mobile menu is what is choosen in mobile menu on default but i dont want to change it. How i can do it to use the same menu as it is in desktop mode to be the same and in mobile menu…