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Selectively hide categories on category page

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  • #279514



    I need your guidance for adjusting our products category page.

    Let’s say we have seasonal products e.g. sandals, platforms, slippers(summer categories), boots and sneakers(winter categories).
    During summer we want to show (in category page header): sandals, platforms, slippers and hide the other 2 categories. During winter we want to show boots, sneakers and hide the other 3 categories. All categories have products assigned to so normally they show up on page header.

    Here is your demo so that you can understand what we are looking for. https://woodmart.xtemos.com/product-category/lighting/demo/shoes/
    Check the header sections that has categories with icons.

    How can we hide specific categories?
    It would be great (from an editor-experience point of view) to have 2 specific menus (summer menu, winter menu), assign categories to them and then just show the menu (including icons) on the page header section.
    But this seems that it’s not possible. Then, what other options do we have?



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    You will have to exclude the categories each time you want to change the set of the categories. You can do that by means of “Exclude categories” option in the Theme Settings > Shop > Sidebar and titles > Shop page title options

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    thanks for the quick reply. We checked on that setting but there are no categories listed. The setting exists but it doesn’t display all product categories so that we can exclude them.

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    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    if the problem remains, even after the plugins deactivated, please, provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes.

    Best Regards



    FYI guys,
    in the SHOP PAGE TITLE OPTIONS > Exclude categories you aren’t able to select for exclusion categories that don’t have any product associated!

    Simple example: I don’t want to hide ALL the empty categories, but just a few/some of them = I’m unable!



    It seems we are talking about different things. I mean this option https://gyazo.com/7c1e44904cec106d1a7cfdf070182519 you can find it in the Theme Settings > Shop > Sidebar and Titles. I have tested and it works, there is not Clock category in the title: https://gyazo.com/59bb176f5640df63d65920a8adb974ef

    Please describe your actions step by step with the screens.

    Best Regards



    You are in the right place! I was talking exactly about it, BUT what I was saying is, you can’t filter out a category that doesn’t have any products assigned!

    What you do is filtering out “Clocks” which has 1 item assigned to it! It is working for me, too! But if you list all the categories (including the empty ones) and you’d like to filter out only some of them, it’s not working as long as the category it’s empty!

    I hope I made myself understood 🙂



    Please enable this option: https://gyazo.com/89637b82b46a32fff7572a34ceac9293

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    I know the option, I’ve seen it!

    But, I don’t want to hide ALL the empty categories! I just want to hide some of them, not all!



    I am afraid there is no option. You can hide all the empty categories and exclude those you insert.

    Best Regards




    I noticed this small issue and I was notifying you in case you’d like to improve your product with future updates!

    Also, there is another forum post/thread I’ve commented about with details, in case you’d like to have a look, please:



    Thank you very much. I have submitted your request to our development team for consideration.

    Best Regards



    What about the feature to hide some categories?


    Luke Nielsen


    You can select only the required categories that you want to show – https://prnt.sc/1ox4Y3W9i6qq so in such a way, you can hide some categories by enabling only required ones.

    Kind Regards

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