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Setting up a mobile version of the site

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  • #125537

    Evgeny Sviridov

    Help me please! My search button on the mobile version of the site does not work. Clicking on it re-opens the menu.

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    The mobile menu has a search option built in. That is why the search icon calls the mobile menu. You can use the search element as the form.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    Is it possible to make it so that when you click on the search icon below, the search form pops up? How this is implemented here on this site: https://ohbeautybar.ru/. (I attach a screenshot).

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    No, there is no such option. The search may be as a drop-down form or full-width form.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    How can I make a search in the form of a drop-down form?



    Please navigate to Woodmart > Header builder http://prntscr.com/iyd2pe

    Choose the proper header type (your current) http://prntscr.com/iyd333

    Add the search element and choose “icon”. When hovering the icon the search form would appear as a drop-down.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    As I understand it will not work on the mobile version of the site, on the mobile version when you click on the search icon, the mobile menu will open, right?



    On the mobile version, you need to chose the form view, not an icon. You need to disable search in mobile menu element.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    Perhaps we do not understand each other. I want the mobile version of the site when I click on the search icon, to display the search string, and not the mobile menu. I turned off the search in the mobile menu and I got two absolutely identical in its functionality menu buttons and search, when I click on them, the mobile menu opens.



    I understand your purpose. It is not possible to do in the way you want. When you add the search to the mobile view of the header it will call the mobile menu even though you have disabled it in the mobile menu.

    We have added search form into the mobile menu only to show the search form. It is not possible to disable calling mobile menu clicking on the icon.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    If I understand everything correctly, it is enough for me to turn on the search form in the mobile menu and in fact the search icon will be unnecessary in the header of the mobile version of the site, since it will duplicate the menu functionality, and the search will be in the mobile menu, right?



    That is right. If you enable the search in the mobile menu it will be shown.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    Thank! With the search, I figured it out. Now I need to remove the “desire” item from the mobile version of the menu. Please tell me how can I do this?

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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .site-mobile-menu .menu-item-wishlist {

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    Fine! I’ve got one more question. Can I make an icon and a phone number below the mobile menu? (screenshot 1). How it is implemented here on this site: https://ohbeautybar.ru/. (screenshot 2).

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    There is the Area after mobile menu in Appearance > Widgets.

    You can insert a text block with the code or HTML widget with your HTML block containing the icon and phone number.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    Thanks for the help, you helped solve my problem.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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