Home Forums WoodMart support forum Setting up the "Subscription + testimonials" template from the "WoodMart templat

Setting up the "Subscription + testimonials" template from the "WoodMart templat

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  • #122539

    Evgeny Sviridov

    Hello, help please solve my problem. I want to implement a ready-made template “Subscription + testimonials” (screenshot 1 and 2) on the main page of my site, but on my website instead of the registration form, the error “Mailchimp for WordPress error: No form with ID 74, maybe it was deleted?” (screenshot 3). Is it possible to correct this error?

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    Navigate to the MailChimp for WP plugin > Forms and take the valid shortcode and insert into the template which you upload http://prntscr.com/nll3mu

    If you do not have any forms, create one.

    Best Regards


    Evgeny Sviridov

    Thanks for the help, you helped solve my problem.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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