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Several problems with translations (WPML & Loco)

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    I have translated the theme to 2 languages: French and Spanish. If I just have Spanish as the default language, then the site looks great with these translations. However, having several languages has given several problems (1 and 2 in this post, separate comment for others).

    1) The Quick View is looking weird. See pictures 1 and 2 attached. 1 is English, the default language, and 2 is Spanish (same thing happens with French). Problems are:
    a) Picture seems to have a huge white space below.
    b) View Details button doesn´t translate. And if you click on it (or even the name of the product) it takes you to the default language product, not the translated one. But if you click on the product on the home page it does take you to the correct language.
    c) Attributes are not visible (they are when you go into the product) and strings are not translated.
    d) Add to cart button is not translating.
    e) Share (for social media) is not translating.

    2) On the footer there is a popup triggering from “Test Sight” in English. Here the popup opens perfectly on the middle. On the different languages it appears to the left. See popup picture 1 for English and picture 2 for Spanish.

    How can I fix them?. In case you need to login to the site, you will find the credentials in the private content section.


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    3) The page title for Shop page is not working well on the translated languages (works perfectly on the defacult language, English). See picture 1 for English, 2 for Spanish.

    Look forward to your comments.


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    Please make sure you have translated all: products, attributes, attribute items, and categories. Check the slugs categories, attributes – they should be in Latin leters only.

    Please refer the WPML documentation or support and translated all the lacking strings.

    As for the problem with incorrect showing, deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme (excepting WPML set) and switch the parent theme, check the issue, If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    if the problem remains, even after the plugins deactivated, please, provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    I have done as you said, deactivate all plugins (except woodmart and WPML set) and change to parent theme and it’s still not working. I have also checked for non-added strings, I added them, but they did not translate the quick view. All 3 points mentioned above are still wrong.

    You can access the site with the credentials and yes, you can deactivate the plugins.




    It seems you have a problem with the WPML configuration. I see two English languages in the header: https://prnt.sc/znoxd8

    Please contact WPML support, let them see, and say if it is an incorrect configuration or other plugins conflict.

    The pages are translated correctly: https://gyazo.com/835e1e3c15ee3df58dab17c8b511d478

    Best Regards



    Hi, those flags are to re-direct to another site under construction. As you show in the video, translations are ok, but there some flaws in the design. Isn’t that something you have to look at?, I mean, who’s the responsible for the compatibility? Woodmart or WPML?



    WPML and WoodMart are fully conpatible. You need to create all the translations, synchronize and configure. Where can I find a language switcher to switch between the translation of the shop page?

    Best Regards



    Hi. I have set the language switcher on the header. There seems to be a problem with WPML how it shows the language for that specific page, then for the rest it works perfectly.

    When you click on the language switcher while on the shop page, the title background is ok. However, if you are already on the translated page (eg: boutique for french) and click on another page (eg: FAQs) and then click again in BOUTIQUE, it shows wrong. Then if you change to Spanish while on Boutique, it looks great, and then switch back to french and also looks fine. But if you go again to another page and go back to boutique, it will break again.

    This is comething from CSS I would guess?

    From my questions, point 2, popup, it’s working fine now, I updated some WPML plugins. But the other 2 (1 and 3) are still wrong.

    I will ask WPML, but isn’t there something on your side as well for the graphic portion?




    Here is what I see when I switch between the pages in the French: https://gyazo.com/13187492453447e7aeed437c55f0fd82

    The title and shop page are the same before and after switching. Please clarify.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    See 2 pictures attached. One is how the default language (English) looks for the SHOP page. The other is how it looks on the French translation (BOUTIQUE). I am also attaching a comparison picture where you can clearly see that the layout is wrong for the translations.

    For both added languages, the layout is messed up. There is a white space above the page title. The page title is higher than it should, and it goes beyong the line that sits above the “SHOW SIDEBAR” button.

    Like you show on your video, when you change to other pages the page title looks great, like it should. But on the shop pages for Spanish and French it does not. Can you help with that?


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    I’m adding a comment for problem number 1. I have spoken with the WPML support team and they say the quick view looking weird (layout and not translating) might be because the widget is not fully translatable. They said, and I quote:
    “The consensus is that the theme should be offering support for this widget. Especially as it is of a more complex nature.

    They have a working relationship with us so their developers should be able to contact our developers for support if they require it.”




    The layout is broken due to some of your plugin settings that http://prntscr.com/100y7xn that add class 404.

    Please make the full backup of your site as well as the Theme settings export and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem.

    As for the quick view, please provide FTP access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    The layout problem has been resolved as it was a problem with the plugin Yoast. I have deleted it and it works fine. Thanks.

    As for the quick view I’m sending you the info for the FTP.




    Please check the login once again and include the correct domain. I am trying to log in and I cannot. https://prnt.sc/1022eb6

    Best Regards



    Hi, sending again the info.



    Please provide the file route to the site.

    Best Regards



    I’m not sure what you’re asking, I’ll send something on the private content.



    Please enable this option: http://prntscr.com/103s0ks

    You can find it in Dashboard > WPML > Languages.

    Best Regards



    Thanks!, that worked!. There’s still a little layout problem for the quick view on the home page. Take a look at picture n°1 for home page SPANISH (problema) and n°2 for ENGLISH (default language) where it looks perfect.

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    The Spain version has a higher image. http://prntscr.com/104t6t7

    Please enable this option http://prntscr.com/104t887 You can find it in the Theme Settings > Product page > Images.

    Best Regards



    Hi. I have the same pictures in all Lang (didn’t change anything and checked to let you know), and they all have the same default attributes, so don’t know why in English it doesn’t show the picture of the man whilst in Spanish it does. I checked what you mentioned but the height difference is the same. Any other ideas?



    You have not added the gallery to the translations that is why the image size is different. https://prnt.sc/106fvaj

    Please make the translations identical and check again.

    Best Regards



    That’s it, thank you!. You can mark this topic closed.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    We will appreciate highly if you spend a couple of minutes and answer the questions provided here: https://8uehqcg4tjy.typeform.com/to/IgyV2EiP

    Best Regards



    Done! 🙂


    Thank You!

    Best Regards

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