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Share my wishlist

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  • #157863



    I’ve got 3 questions about the Basel wishlist.

    1) If you make a wishlist without an account, will it be saved by cookies? Can you see your wishlist on just that device?

    2) When you make a wishlist with an account, will the wishlist be ‘added’ to your account, so that you can see your wishlist where ever you want, when you log in to your account?

    3) Sharing my wishlist doesn’t work. When I want to share my wishlist on desktop with Whatsapp, I get this link: https://despelletjesvrienden.nl/wishlist/1/ which obviously won’t work. Printscreen: https://prnt.sc/

    When I want to share my wishlist with my mobile phone, I get an error, saying ‘can’t open this url’. Printscreen: https://prnt.sc/pz6ulq

    I saved the permalinks already. That didn’t work.

    Can you help me with this?

    Kind regards,



    1. It will be saved in the same browser which you have added the product from.

    2. Yes, it will be saved.

    3. How do you share the wishlist? I do not see the option to share https://gyazo.com/554aa9a1bdbe7e2c3043e988d2ad4025

    Best Regards




    You can only share the wishlist when you are logged into your account. http://prnt.sc/pzgycc

    When I want to share my wishlist on desktop with Whatsapp, I get this link: https://despelletjesvrienden.nl/wishlist/1/ which obviously won’t work.

    When I want to share my wishlist on desktop I get this: https://prnt.sc/pzgykv

    When I want to share my wishlist on my mobile phone I get this: https://prnt.sc/pz6ulq

    Kind regards,


    Artem Temos

    It seems to be a bug with Whatsapp share on mobile devices. We will fix this in our next theme update. And you can’t share the wishlist while you are not logged in.



    Do you know when the next theme update will be there?
    Because it would be great if people could share their wishlist for the holidays.


    Artem Temos

    We hope to release it in 2-3 weeks with all fixes.


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