I’ve got 3 questions about the Basel wishlist.
1) If you make a wishlist without an account, will it be saved by cookies? Can you see your wishlist on just that device?
2) When you make a wishlist with an account, will the wishlist be ‘added’ to your account, so that you can see your wishlist where ever you want, when you log in to your account?
3) Sharing my wishlist doesn’t work. When I want to share my wishlist on desktop with Whatsapp, I get this link: https://despelletjesvrienden.nl/wishlist/1/ which obviously won’t work. Printscreen: https://prnt.sc/
When I want to share my wishlist with my mobile phone, I get an error, saying ‘can’t open this url’. Printscreen: https://prnt.sc/pz6ulq
I saved the permalinks already. That didn’t work.
Can you help me with this?
Kind regards,