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Shipping Details not being shown for orders with PayPal

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  • #82488


    When I place a test order it goes through but when I check the order after there is no shipping address just a billing address.

    I need all the orders to have a shipping address and billing address. I am using PayPal checkout as the payment processor. Do I need to change some settings to make sure it collects a shipping address properly?



    Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping options: http://prntscr.com/l5enph

    Default to customer shipping address
    Default to customer billing address

    In this two cases, user will have the option to add shipping/billing addresses if they are different.

    I this case, “Force shipping to the customer billing address” only billing address will be available for shipment.

    Our theme does not influence these settings.

    Best Regards

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