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Shipping options not displaying correctly on the cart page

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  • #576326


    This site has a complex requirement for shipping, so we have implemented the Woo Conditional Shipping and Payments plugin to show/hide the correct shipping option. We are basing the majority of the restrictions on weight. Here’s a Loom that shows what is happening: https://www.loom.com/share/d520b8bfe118430384f9ef6856bc9bb0?sid=eee99250-9c1e-4a39-88fe-203c80cea7b6

    I’ve been working with support for the plugin, and they helped debug that it is a problem with the customized code for the cart page:

    I was able to replicate the issue on your staging site by replicating your process from the Loom video and saw that your Conditional Shipping and Payment rules didn’t seem to always be loaded on the cart page as the “USPS (Free or Flat Rate)” option isn’t always being removed. Something of note is that while going to the Checkout page, it takes a couple of seconds for the conditional shipping and payment rules to be applied and ultimately remove the “USPS (Free or Flat Rate)” shipping option, which makes me think something is wrong with the loading on your cart page.

    Check out the video here: https://d.pr/v/aZ45Hl

    Since the issue seems isolated to the “Cart” page, I temporarily switched the staging site’s theme from “Fort Knox Mailbox” to “Storefront” and tested the process over, but I didn’t experience the same issue. In the following video, you’ll see that the “USPS (Free or Flat Rate)” option doesn’t appear when adding the item to the cart. (Note: I switched the staging site back to the “Fort Knox Mailbox” theme since, but you can test this out yourself by switching the theme back to Storefront and checking if the issue persists for you).

    Check out the video here: https://d.pr/v/zP7ocM

    That said, I noticed from your System Status Report that your custom theme is overriding certain WooCommerce templates (particularly the cart templates), which I believe may be the cause of this issue. I recommend that you alert the developers of your custom theme of this matter so that they may update the templates and ensure this issue doesn’t persist.

    I replicated their test on the staging site by activating the WP 2024 theme – the shipping worked as it should when I added a lock to the cart after adding my address (there was a single mailbox in the cart before adding my address).

    I’ve shared a link to the staging site so you can test it as well. With the 2024 theme, you can get to the accessories from the All products tab on the navigation. Go to page 3 for the locks – add any lock to the cart once you have added a mailbox and set the address. For the mailboxes, the only required option is the color.


    Artem Temos


    We checked your website but don’t see the mentioned issue. Instead, we see Free Pickup in Grants Pass both with the WoodMart and Storefront themes.

    Here are screenshots of our tests

    Kind regards,



    The client just sent an email that one of their customers ordered 4 of the large mailboxes (4 separate items in cart b/c the address numbers on the mailboxes were different).

    I’ve attached a PDF of the order so you can see the details.

    I tested to see if I could recreate the error, and got it as well – PNG attached.

    To duplicate the error, go through the process of adding 4 separate large mailboxes to the cart. The differentiating factors are the locks & the address numbers (my test has made up numbers, the client order has the real ones).

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