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Shop and Category Pages Shown as Error Page

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  • #131492


    Hi there,

    I built a multilanguage (Polylang) e-commerce (Woocommerce) webiste using your great theme. Everything perfect until I get some fo the wirdest error I ever seen on WP.

    The Categories and Shop pages are shown like there is a DB error. I mean that I can see all the page contents (with the exception of shop widgets) but the page is loaded with body id=”error_page” so same of when you get a DB error.

    I already tried to disable plugins and theme and the problem disappear when I disable the theme.

    Website is in production stage, I can work on it changing DNS in my machine (domain is still pointing to the old website). So, in order to let you undesrtand, I’m sendinfìg a video that shows the problem here:


    Please let me know if you need further information.

    Thanks for your time


    Artem Temos


    We need your full admin access without external plugins installed. Also, check how it works with the default WP theme. In case when you can’t do this on your live website, you need to create a staging development copy of your website. There, you will be able to do such kind of experiments without any harm to your production website.

    Kind Regards



    Hi guys,

    ok, i copied everything elsewhere so you can fully access:

    I checked and the error seems to disappear when I change the theme.

    Thanks & Regards



    Ok guys, problem solved.
    Apparently there was a problem with the 3.7 version of your theme, I installed last one and everything seems to work fine.
    Thanks anyway!


    Artem Temos

    Please, update our theme and all the required plugins to the latest version. Then switch to the parent theme and disable all external plugins.


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