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Shop doesn’t show any products after migration

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  • #598351


    urgent problem: Our shop is not showing any products anymore after a simple server migration from Host A to Host b. Nothing changed technically on the website. When I hover over the products, they are there and clickable. So they are there but just not visible.

    Maybe related to the issue: I cannot update the Theme Core.

    Please also see thread in the woodmart forum, I accidentally created it there first: https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/shop-doesnt-show-any-products-after-migration/#post-598342

    As you see there, plugin conflict test is already done. Issue exists also with only Xtemos Theme Core, Elementor and WooCommerce active.

    I added some screenshots and a temporary admin access in the private content.

    Hope we can fix that soon.


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    Luke Nielsen


    Please try to add the code below in the functions.php file in your child theme:

    if ( ! function_exists( 'xts_enqueue_waypoints' ) ) {
    	function xts_enqueue_waypoints() {
    		wp_enqueue_script( 'xts-waypoints-library', XTS_THEME_URL . '/js/waypoints.min.js', array(), XTS_VERSION, true );
    	add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'xts_enqueue_waypoints', 20 );

    Clear the cache and check how it works.

    Kind Regards


    Hey Luke,

    nice to hear from you – long time no see/hear 😉

    The code works perfect. Can you just explain me a bit what it does and why do we need it now? We really just migrated from Host A to Host b.

    Thank you!


    Luke Nielsen


    The problem appeared after a new Elementor update, the custom is temporary when the theme update is released – it will be fixed

    Kind Regards


    Hi Luke,

    alright. Please also check the add to cart buttons. I had to add a custom code that they are shown correct.

    Can you please check on the issue with the update of xtemos core problem? Why I cannot update it?

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