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Shop full width

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  • #178755

    E-N Admin


    Just wondering if its possible to make shop page full width and have the option to have product image display grid a specific size.

    For example: https://prntscr.com/rdoz9a



    I have checked your shop page and found that it is already in the fullwidth with the same image size. Now what do you want to do with the shop page? Can you pelase explain your requirement.

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin


    On desktop specifically, Is it possible not to have the padding on the left and right side and showing 4 products column (without making the image preview small) – see image https://prntscr.com/re3yct

    Q2. The quick view on product, when pressed the circle processing appears but then disappears and the whole page freezes. Are you able to check this? https://prntscr.com/re3vig

    Q3. My email newsletter doesn’t seem to work, when tested an error appeared however, mailchimp is connected to the wordpress account. Are you able to let me know why it doesn’t work?



    E-N Admin

    Q4. Is there a way to stop the zoom effect on hover on product on shop page? When the mouse hover over the product the image zooms. Is there a way to stop this?
    Is it possible to add a ‘QUICK VIEW’ button next to add to cart button?


    E-N Admin

    Sorry, another thing.

    The Login/Register page. On the section where it should have a heading Register, It has Login. The right side heading for Register/Login doesn’t seem to change and just stays on ‘LOGIN’. even though the button below is ‘register’. See image https://prntscr.com/re5rd0

    Is it possible to just change that ‘LOGIN’ heading to ‘MY ACCOUNT’ instead?



    I have visited the URL you provided.

    1) You can set the layout of the pages from Theme Settings >> General Layout >> Set to full width.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/b7546TB

    2) I have deactivated all the third party plugins and the quick view is working absolutely fine on my end please clear browser cache and check back.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/zJwTTdR

    3) Go to Theme Settings >> Shop >> Product Styles.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/5x4N13X

    You can use the style that better meets your requirements.

    4) For the newsletter make sure you have configured the settings API correctly to make it work fine.

    5) You can set the heading for the Register from Theme Settings >> Login & Register >> Registration Title.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/BKshh0y

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin

    Q1. So quick view doesn’t work if third party plugin is activated? Some of the plugins are required.

    Q2. I have a currency on my header, are you able to let me know the css code so that the design of when the mouse hover over it is the same as the theme header design? Currently there is a black rectangle that appears when you click on it which doesn’t go with the design of the header.



    1) Sometimes the third party plugins conflict with the functionality of the default theme plugins that’s why it’s behaving like this.

    You can try activating the plugins one by one and check which plugin is conflicting with it and you can deactivate only one instead of all the plugins.

    2) I have visited your website. Please provide with some relevant screenshots of the specific area to check it myself and help you out accordingly.

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin


    Q1. I just want the currency option on the header to have the same the design look like as the drop down ‘my account’ design but Keeping the down arrow but works on mouse hover. At the moment I need to click on it for the currency drop down menu to appear. Can you change it so the selection appears on mouse hover? https://prntscr.com/rh2gak

    Q2. Also, is there a way to centre the the product page image and options. for example https://prntscr.com/rh2k46



    I saw the screenshots you attached.

    1) To change the behavior of the Add to cart button to dropdown you need to Go to WoodMart >> Header Builder >> Edit Header >> Edit cart.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/02wKfXX

    2) To change the product page layout design you need to Go to Theme Settings >> Product Page >> Layout.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/6X91z4W

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin

    You have totally misunderstood exactly what I wrote.

    I’m asking for assisting in making the currency on the header to be the same design as the theme header design – in that mouse hover over the currency selection and how it appears for the drop down of the currency selector. I don’t want to change the design of the theme but the currency selector.

    What you have shown me only centres the information. which is not what I asked help with. I asked for the whole section of the image and information to be moved to the centre so it is in the middle of the page. I dont want the information to be centred. I want to keep the right hand information on the left alignment. Did you see the image I had attached? https://prntscr.com/rh2k46

    The whole this is centred so there is space on the right and left of it.



    1) Unfortunately, you couldn’t make the select currency dropdown to work on mouse hover. Because, It requires customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    2) I saw the screenshot you attached. To make the product information center you need to add the following Custom CSS code in the Custom CSS for Desktop area under Theme settings >> Custom CSS.

    .product-image-summary-wrap {
    margin-left: 100px;

    Note: You can set the margin value according to your requirements.

    Best Regards.

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