The code would not work. Such code would break the default image sizes of WordPress and Woocommmerce.
The product categories image size depemends on the settings in Appearnce > Customize > Woocommerce > Product Images https://prnt.sc/1enj0sq
The images are cropped if the image size set is less than actual image size. This means that if you set 300px in https://prnt.sc/1enj0sq and upload image size 200×200 nothing would happen.
In order image corropping to be applied the image size should be bigger then the settings.
The product categories styles are designed for big images, you need to upload big images and then crop them to the equal necessary size.
As for the gallery in the single product, there is the option provided in the Theme Settings > Single product > Images: https://prnt.sc/1enlvgg
Best Regards