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Shop Page filter section is not working properly

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  • #333757

    [email protected]

    Please check the below scenarios:
    1.When we click on categories in page title section, the filter section works, but we could not close the opened filters.
    2.When we click on grid size, the filter section do not close/open
    3.In the mobile view, when we click on ‘show sidebar’, a dark screen comes and the filter area is not shown.

    Kindly help me to resolve the above issues.



    Please update the WoodMart Core plugin https://gyazo.com/bea70f7c61c720cbc2a88b486eed9a9f and check the issue, if the problem remains, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to the parent theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    I have updated both plugins. But the problem still persists. Please check from your side. I have granted permission for plugin deactivation, and theme switching. I have backed up the site also.



    Please update the theme till 6.2.4 and all the plugins.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    I have updated the theme and all other plugins. But there is no change in the below items.
    1.When we click on categories in page title section, the filter section works, but we could not close the opened filters.
    2.When we click on grid size, the filter section do not close/open
    3.In the mobile view, when we click on ‘show sidebar’, a dark screen comes and the filter area is not shown.


    [email protected]

    There is a plugin
    WPB Widgets Accordion for WooCommerce, which I have installed and activated in the website. Without this plugin, I am not able to show filters in the sidebars widget area. When you deactivate this plugin, you can see, the filters are not visible in the shop sidebar.
    Please check the screenshot, whatever elements I put inside shop filter widget and shop page widget area, they are not getting visible.

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    Please replace the plugin with the free Classic widget and use the WoodMart filter widget. Find our documentation tutorial about this here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/widgets/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Yes, I deactivated the other plugin and used woodmart filter. But the sidebar itself is not visible, when I deactivate the other plugin (WPB Widgets Accordion for WooCommerce). Why the sidebar is invisible now? Please check the screenshots.

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    Please, confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to the parent theme. As soon as we complete the testing we will enable all back, however, the site would be without plugins for 15-20 min. You would better make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Yes, Please do. I confirm the permission for plugins deactivation, switching to parent theme.



    I have resaved the settings and widgets and now it works Please check and let us know if there are any issues.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    Thank you, the sidebar is visible now. But the issues are not fully resolved.
    1. In mobile/tablet view, when I click on ‘show sidebar’ option, the sidebar doesn’t load, instead, a black screen comes over the screen. Please find the screenshots.
    2.I want the filters as accordions, with plus, minus signs, which toggles on click. How can I implement that?
    I again, confirm the plugin deactivation, switching to parent theme, to find the issue and resolve it.

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    The custom CSS of the child theme hides the sidebar https://prnt.sc/20x7w0z

    For now, WoodMart does not have toggles on the click option.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    The sidebar is visible in the desktop view. But the sidebar is not visible in the mobile view.
    I have removed the above custom css.
    I have disabled off canvas sidebar. Please refer the screenshots.

    I want the sidebar to be visible in all devices. When off canvas sidebar is enabled, ‘show sidebar’ option comes. When I click on show sidebar, in mobile/tablet devices, a black screen comes.

    Please make the sidebar visible in all devices. I dont care whether it is off canvas sidebar. If it is off canvas sidebar, clicking on ‘show sidebar’ should result in the display of sidebar.

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    We have checked the shop page and we see the sidebar on the mobile device after the main content as it should be.

    When Off-canvas has been disabled https://prnt.sc/20y5f3e the sidebar goes after the content: https://gyazo.com/1a1a28fbb00be30a0f55b593b20b3062

    When the Off-canvas has been enabled the sidebar opens on icon click: https://prnt.sc/20y5f9t and https://gyazo.com/803b5c1ec50d9cfed247509098d840c1

    If you do not see the sidebar on mobile, please clear the cache on mobile.

    Best Regards

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