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Shop widget filter not displayed properly on mobile devices

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  • #62613



    On Mobile devices, the “list” display type of the WOODMART Woocommerce Layered Nav filter widget for the shop page cuts off from the number of items buttons. Please see http://prntscr.com/judki9

    Can you please help with this?

    Thank you guys



    Please provide your site admin access so that we could check the settings and suggest a solution.

    Best Regards



    Would you please check first on your own theme testing version? Because I’m pretty sure it is a general issue and it has nothing to do with any of my settings or the sidebar size (I have a local site and database in place for testing purposes with the initial default imported contents and features of the Woodmart theme – no modification from my part – and the issue is also present). Please consider it in your next updates.

    Meanwhile, maybe a plain simple CSS code will suffice?

    Thank you



    We do not have any problems with the filter on mobile https://gyazo.com/3f445118bdc47cecff88f9009199bf0e

    You can view our demo https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/

    This problem occurs only on your site that is why I asked for credentials to find out the reason.

    Best Regards



    Elise, please check on Mobile. Your first print screen is on desktop.

    Your demo has the issue as well. Go to https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/ -> right click mouse -> Inspect -> select Mobile -> press Show Sidebar. Please see http://prntscr.com/juhajr (this is from your demo).



    Bogdan Donovan

    We have checked page which you indicated and didn’t found such issue.
    Here is the screenshot from Chrome mobile web inspector (https://gyazo.com/c963d4bbe621e4fd9cfc42e55c5c0750) and real mobile device (https://gyazo.com/5df85fda965e28e24d034c47154c8214).

    Did you reload the page after reducing screen size and did you experiencing the similar issue on a mobile device?




    Oh, crap. You are right, Bogdan. If I reload the page, it is ok. I was worried it was a general issue. Thank you.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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