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Show filters no sidebar

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  • #648598



    i would like to show filters on sidebar based on attributes

    i cannot find proper doc about this

    in appearance > widgets area, i can find 2 widgets :

    “filter products by attributes”
    “filter by attributes

    i dont know which one is woodmart
    the first one seems to be deprecated

    the second one works but shows a default icon i cannot change anywhere

    I noticed on archive products layout i can add widgets directly on the elementor layout

    i would much prefer to do this directly on the elementor layout, rather than to have to deal with sidebars

    in the Elementor Pro world we dont use anymore apperance widgets sidebars since many years

    so is there a way to add filters & categories list on archive layout elementor directly ?

    thank you



    Please go to Appearance > Widgets, and use the widget called:

    Woodmart WooCommerce Layered Nav https://ibb.co/VpYwqH9h

    This is the widget specifically by Woodmart — it allows you to filter products based on the attributes you’ve created under Products > Attributes.

    Once you’ve added this widget to your Shop page widget area, it will allow filtering by color, size, etc., depending on your attribute setup.

    If you’d still like to show filters inside the Elementor-built archive layout:

    Use a Sidebar widget inside your Elementor archive layout > Choose the Sidebar where you added the Woodmart filters: https://ibb.co/hJ0BSr6M

    Best Regards,



    ok thank you

    for information, we can also add Woodmart WooCommerce Layered Nav widget directly from elementor layout (without adding a wordpress sidebar)

    but output seems to be buggy

    can you try it out ?

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