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show single price without price range on variable product

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    Hi, I want to show the price of my variable product same as simple product price without any price range. Just I want to show the default single attribute price that I have set already. I want to do all this with the help of code only. Also, don’t want to show this ‘from’ before price.
    See the screenshot below the first one is a variable product and is showing the price into range.
    But I want the price like the second one which is a simple product. And, this I want to show not only on the shop page but on every page. Please help me out as ASAP.

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    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    Please Go to Theme Settings >> Shop and enable the option.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/wnej2f

    Xtemos Studios.



    Actually, bro..by doing this, it will only show the lowest price of that variable products and I don’t want that. like an example, suppose I have a product on my website which is of three variations like 1kg, 2kg, 3kg. So, instead of showing the price of the lowest one i.e. 1kg, I want to show the price of the default variable that I already set of that product which is of 2kg and this I want to show not only on the shop page but on home page too. So, please help me in this regard.



    Sorry but there is no option available in Theme Settings to achieve what you required.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Xtemos Studios.



    I understand. But still, if you could give me some code or any reference from where I can get my solution..it would be very helpful for me.



    Sorry but we could not help you with this as this requires core files customizations that are beyond our limitations and support policy.

    You can try asking woocommerce support for help.

    You can consider the following link if it works for you:

    Best Regards.



    hay sohaib,

    did you found a solution for this problem? because i have the same problem on my site…

    greetings from germany



    You can try contacting the Woocommerce Support for help about this.

    OR You can consider the following link if it works for you:

    Best Regards.



    Hi, @dekopost..not yet bro..still trying to find the solution for that.



    If any of you find the solution for this then please share it here so it will be helpful for other users who are trying to achieve the same.

    Xtemos Studios.

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