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Sidebar cart not refresh de shop url on "Return to shop".

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  • #134987


    Hello, first thank this theme because it is very well designed.

    I have migrated my website from one server to another but maintaining the same domain. But to do the process I had to create a subdomain first to do the migration to the new server.

    Site URL: https://loteriadeibiza.com
    Subdomain URL: https://test.loteriadeibiza.com

    Once the migration was complete, I update the wordpress URLs to the “Site URL”. Everything works perfectly but the shopping cart that is located in the sidebar, when empty, the url of the “Back to the store” button keeps with the “Subdomain URL”.

    • I’ve tried Woocommerce > Settings > Products and save changes.
    • I used the better search replace plugin to update the URLs in the database
    • I use the Wp Rocket plugin, I have emptied caches.

    … and still does not change the url of the mentioned button.

    Thanks in advance!

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    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    You would better use Allin one WP migration plugin, it would move the site in a few clicks and all the URLs would be correct. It is a free plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-wp-migration/

    Best Regards



    Good morning, thanks for the response but the migration was correct, that is, I passed the loteriadeibiza.com website to test.loteriadeibiza.com and the plugin used for migration, updraft plus, updated the urls to test.loteriadeibiza.com , including the URL of the “Return to shop” link. The problem is that at the time of changing the urls in test.loteriadeibiza.com to loteriadeibiza.com, the link that I mentioned in the first message is not updated, just that one.




    Our support does not cover issues connected with the broken functionality in the result of the site migration, our theme does not influence such ab issue.

    Best Regards



    Ok, I understand, i would appreciate if you could tell me in which file this button is declared to modify it in my child-theme while I am looking for a definitive solution. Thank you very much for your time.



    Here is the file:


    Best Regards

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