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Sidebar login form redirect

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    I just tested it also on your demo page and sidebar login form just redirects to “my-account” page, where the form works correctly.
    So, this form doesn’t seem to work as expected.



    I have test the sidebar login form on my test site and it is working just fine. Whenever i put wrong login details then it redirects to my account page to display the warning messages that username or password is not correct.

    Best Regards.



    I have tested it in 2 different browsers (multiple times) on your demo site and the login form just goes to “my-account” login/register page without showing any error messages.
    It only succeeds when the right fly-out sidebar is used on “my-account” page. When I’m on some other page, it redirects to “my-account”.
    The same behaviour is on my personal site, just as it is in our demo.



    It displays the warning message on my account page only if the password or username is incorrect. If both were correct then user directly login from the sidebar login form.

    Video for clarification: https://jmp.sh/qxQsMYX

    Best Regards.



    Video for clarification.
    All attempts end up as in the video woodmart2.
    The second video shows how the sidebar form works when using it on the “my-account” page.



    Yes, I have seen your video attachment, It seems you turn off the warning that’s why the warnings not shown, the other things shown just fine and cycle seems to work fine. Kindly share your site URL so I can check and guide you accordingly.

    Best Regards.



    The videos are made on your demo site. Plus it doesn’t show the warning because login credentials were correct every time…. I didn’t misspell not even once.



    Yes, i have test our demo store, might be on our demo there is some problem or might be there is a bug.

    That’s why I asked you to check your site if this happens on your site then I can check and fix it on your site.

    Best Regards.



    Here is the DEV site.



    Your problem is resolved. Actually the warning notifications not shown due to your child theme. With the child theme when I test your site login sidebar, when the username and password both were correct it let me login, and when one of them is incorrect then it redirect me to my account page so that I can enter the correct login details but it did not display any warning messages..

    Then I switch to your parent version of theme then I test again and whenever the login credentials not correct it redirects to my account page and relevant warning notification shown.
    So the issue is due to your customization which you made in your child theme.

    Best Regards.



    Child theme indeed hid the error message, true. But nothing more, it doesn’t affect this issue at all! I deleted all code in child theme but still kept the theme activated, this didn’t make a difference.

    After you looked around in the admin, only Shop page issue remained. I opened the Shop page in admin also and just clicked Update and this also started working properly.
    So… I also activated Woodmart and then activated Woodmart-child in LIVE version and things seem to be working now.

    May I remind you that the videos I sent, were done on your demo site where I re-created the issue (so nothing to do with my child theme)? And I still can re-create it now on your demo?

    Anyway, you switching the themes got me thinking in the right direction and this seems to be ok for now. But the issue is still there in your demo 🙂



    I’m glad that the issue is fixed on your site.

    About our demo site,I will forward this to our development department, they will fix it on demo site. Thanks for notifying us about the issue. Appreciating your suggestion.

    Best Regards.



    And of course, this theme is still amazing with all the possibilities. Couldn’t be more “best bang for your buck” product.
    Keep up the good work!



    Thanks for appreciating our work. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.

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